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- From: uupsi!nisc.psi.net!root (Mr. Root)
- To: fpr.com!jim
- Date: Thu, 29 Nov 90 15:09:01 -0500
- From uupsi!nisc.psi.net!root Thu, 29 Nov 90 18:28:52 EDT remote from fpr
- Received: by fpr (Mac/gnuucp v4.0) Thu, 29 Nov 90 18:28:52 EDT
- Received: from nisc.psi.net by uu.psi.com (5.61/3.1.090690-Performance Systems International)
- id AA09004; Thu, 29 Nov 90 15:07:33 -0500
- Received: by nisc.psi.net (5.61/2.1-PSINet Operations )
- id AA09418; Thu, 29 Nov 90 15:09:01 -0500
- Message-Id: <9011292009.AA09418@nisc.psi.net>
- ############################################################################
- #This is used on a PC runing uulink UUCP software
- ###########################################################################
- this is the \usr\uucp\sys file from uulink 1.3 ----
- #
- uupsi 1 Any com1 2400 *P> \r\rATZ\r OK\r\n ATS2=255\r OK\r\n
- ATDT2127671030\r CONNECT\s2400\r\n
- *P> \r "" *P> \r "" *P> \r "" *P> \r name: tatata\r word: tptptp\r
- _ts>-\r-_ts>-\r-_ts> terminal\sdownload\r
- _ts>-\r-_ts>-\r-_ts> terminal\sno\sescape-char\r
- _ts>-\r-_ts>-\r-_ts> telnet\suu.psi.com\s540\s/stream\r
- ogin: hahaha\r assword: hphphp\r
- #########################################################################
- #########################################################################
- #This is the L.sys file entry which enables your UNIX machine to call
- #up the PSI uucp gateway (uupsi) through a PSI terminal server.
- #Please substitute the appropriate values for certain variables which
- #follow:
- #
- #PPPPPPPPPPP = The terminal server phone number in your area
- #XXXX = your terminal server login name
- #YYYY = your terminal server password
- #ZZZZ = your uucp login name on uupsi
- #AAAA = your uucp login password on uupsi
- #########################################################################
- ---------------CUT--HERE--------------
- uupsi Any ACU 2400 PPPPPPPPPPP "" \r\d\r\d\r \
- name:-\r-name:-\r-name: XXXX assword: YYYY \
- _ts>-\r-_ts>-\r-_ts> terminal\sdownload\r \
- _ts>-\r-_ts>-\r-_ts> terminal\sno\sescape-char\r \
- _ts>-\r-_ts>-\r-_ts> telnet\suu.psi.com\s540\s/stream \
- ogin: ZZZZ assword: AAAA
- --------------------------------------
- terminal server login name: uufpr
- terminal server password: f1a2l017
- uucp login name: uufpr
- uucp login password: f1a2l017
- If you have any problems please feel free to contact us. To do
- so you can either call us at (518) 283-8860 or send mail to
- uuadmin@uu.psi.com, uupsi!uuadmin.
- PSI UUCP Staff
- uupsi!uuadmin
- The following is a list of phone numbers that can
- be used to call terminal servers. UUCP lines should
- be used only for UUCP and Individual lines should be
- used only for Individual dialup. Date of last change: 10/20/90
- ------
- Albany, NY:518-283-5090(6)Individual
- 518-283-8303(2) V.32 UUCP
- 518-283-8302(1)Telebit UUCP
- * (2)DCS V.32/V.42
- Boston, MA: 617-262-0688(5)Individual
- 617-262-3614(3) V.32 UUCP
- 617-262-5142(1)Telebit UUCP
- Chicago, IL:*312.408.0675(4)Individual
- *312.408.0679(1)Telebit UUCP
- Hartford, CT:203-278-8110(4)Individual
- 203-278-8144(1)Telebit UUCP
- LA, CA:213-623-3677(4)Individual
- 213-623-5525(2)V.32 UUCP
- 213-623-7570(2)Telebit UUCP
- Newark, NJ: 201-645-1644(6)Individual
- 201-645-1740(3) V.32 UUCP
- 201-645-1743(1)Telebit UUCP
- NYC, NY:212-608-7800(8)Individual
- 212-608-8151(4)V.32 UUCP
- 212-513-7268(2)Telebit UUCP
- * (2)DCS V.32/V.42
- Philadelphia, PA:*215-563-1069(4)Individual
- *215-563-2114(1)V.32 UUCP
- *215-563-2968(1)Telebit UUCP
- Reston, VA: 703-620-8971(6)Individual
- 703-620-8977(2) V.32 UUCP
- 703-620-6331(4) Telebit UUCP
- 703-620-1553(2)*DCS V.32/V.42
- Rochester, NY:716-262-5670(6)Individual
- 716-262-5676(2)V.32 UUCP
- 716-262-3122(2)Telebit UUCP
- Santa-Clara, CA: 408-986-1151(16)Individual
- 408-986-1266(2) V.32 UUCP
- 408-986-1268(2) Telebit UUCP
- 404-986-1425(8)DCS V.32/V.42
- Syracuse, NY:315-478-3191(4)Individual
- 315-475-2941(1)Telebit UUCP
- Washington, DC: 202-408-5297(2)Individual
- 202-408-5299(1)Telebit UUCP
- White Plains, NY:914-686-0075(4)Individual
- 914-686-0092(1)Telebit UUCP
- *not yet in service.
- Idividual dialups are at 300/1200/2400 Baud.
- V.32 UUCP dialaups are at 1200/2400/9600 Baud
- Telebit UUCP dialups are at PEP speeds.
- DCS V.32/V.42 2400/9600/19200
- We are currently working to make information available for
- UUCP retrieval to our UUCP customers. So far, the
- following is available:
- ~uucp/rfc - internet RFC's, files named rfcXXXX.txt where
- XXXX is the rfc number. Good idea to retrieve
- rfc-index.txt first.
- ~uucp/ien - internet IEN's, before the RFC's came about. Old
- but sometimes interesting. files named ienXXX.txt
- where XXX is the IEN number. Good idea to retrieve
- ien-index.txt first.
- ~uucp/usenet/new-users/active.newsgroups
- /alt.newsgroups
- /freq.asked.QA
- /group.rules
- /mail.lists
- /moderators
- /net-etiquette
- /networks.info
- /news.announce.intro
- /post.rules
- /post.style
- /usenet.history
- /usenet.primer
- - These files are the traditional USENET postings
- designed to introduce new USENET users to the
- conventions and idioms of USENET. I suggest that
- all of our new news feeds read these from the
- start and make them available to your users.
- ~uucp/src - various software packages.
- ~uucp/ls-lR.Z - compressed listing of the entire UUCP info
- directory.
- In the future we will be adding more information to these
- directories. We will try to keep you posted on new things.
- If you have any questions as to what is available on uupsi,
- you can always retrieve the listing of the directory
- (~uucp/ls-lR.Z) and look for yourself....